
A visit from God or Can God be Seen?

  Short answer - YES. Not as Jesus, but as God the almighty.  To start, without listing all the scriptures that say God can be seen, instead I will explain why this is important and what they teach is off by a mile. Also to avoid the pronoun retards, I'll be using the pronoun "HE" Some of the most pronounced scriptures that leave no doubt that someone saw God can be found in the book of Exodus, example Exodus 33:20. Note here that God says the word "face". No where in scripture that it states that God is "invisible" or he is here in some resonance mystical voice (I'll get the burning bush later. Hint: there is a burning bush in time) , at least not unless they are speaking of an angel - which is another topic. Exodus 33:23 states that he will turn around and then he can be seen. Break this down, and you have some type of humanoid - I say this because the viewer is actually witnessing "someone" turning their back to them. So what is going ...

Cannibalism for Eternity

First we need to define cannibalism. In short, cannibalism is the eating of the same species. In this article we will be speaking of Humans eating Humans. Ritual cannibalism, which I will be dealilng with here since it pertains to religion, is itself divided into exocannibalism (the eating of strangers and enemies), endocannibalism (the eating of friends or family) and autocannibalism (the eating of one’s own body). Endocannibalism is thought to have been performed in the hope of achieving communion with the dead. With exocannibalism and endocannibalism, there was the belief that by eating the dead person, some of his or her desirable qualities might be conferred upon the eater. So now we have a clear definition of what eating of human flesh and blood is. There has been some (minor) debate regarding this practice in catholism. One article , although very well written, pretty much " red-herrings " the whole topic. I call it the Missing Dollar Riddle . Where there is no missing...

I/Emmanuel & Jesus - Two different People

Isaiah 7:14 has been the most talked about scripture in the whole Holy bible. People have been "taught" not that this is the coming of Christ. The keyword "taught". Taught implies word of mouth when it comes to scripture being passed on.It is especially dangerous in this time of technology, facebook, twitter and other tech giants that make it easy to just pass mass around. People in churches rely on clergy (this term being used to cover the pope down to your local minister/pastor and everyone in between), to convey the teaching of the bible accurately. However, what's really ends up happening is that the churches have a more sinister itinerary and change The narrative of the teachings of the bible. So first let's start with Isaiah, the beginning of it all in chapter 7. But even before we start there we have to clear the table about the word virgin that is so perversely incorrectly and over used. There are two words in the Bible that clarify which one is a vi...

No Sacrifice

 Coming soon.... Being arrested for any reason, is not the same thing as being a sacrifice.. Follow to find out what Matthew says about this.

The Serpent of the Garden

Is the serpent Satan? A big resounding NO. One extremely important note: It is tradistionally accepted that Moses wrote/recited the book of Genesis (while this is still up for debate, for this blog, we will just agree that Moses wrote it).  Many scholars say the serpent IS Satan. If this was true, Moses would have worded the story as such to include what satan was doing. However, according to scripture. Moses, author of Genesis tells us that the "serpent" was the most cunning "BEAST OF THE FIELD",  that god created Gen 3:1, Keep in mind that Moses is just retelling the tale of creation. Did Moses forget he Satan was there at the time of creation? No, of course not. If he was in the garden at this point in the story, then Moses would have written as such. Very similar to the book of Job, when Satan WAS there. It was not told as if some mystery man came. It was specifically written that Satan was there interfering with Job's life. Satan was not part of thi...