A visit from God or Can God be Seen?
Short answer - YES. Not as Jesus, but as God the almighty. To start, without listing all the scriptures that say God can be seen, instead I will explain why this is important and what they teach is off by a mile. Also to avoid the pronoun retards, I'll be using the pronoun "HE" Some of the most pronounced scriptures that leave no doubt that someone saw God can be found in the book of Exodus, example Exodus 33:20. Note here that God says the word "face". No where in scripture that it states that God is "invisible" or he is here in some resonance mystical voice (I'll get the burning bush later. Hint: there is a burning bush in time) , at least not unless they are speaking of an angel - which is another topic. Exodus 33:23 states that he will turn around and then he can be seen. Break this down, and you have some type of humanoid - I say this because the viewer is actually witnessing "someone" turning their back to them. So what is going ...