The Serpent of the Garden
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Is the serpent Satan?
big resounding NO. One extremely important note: It is tradistionally accepted that Moses wrote/recited the book of Genesis (while this is still up for debate, for this blog, we will just agree that Moses wrote it). Many scholars say the serpent IS Satan. If this was true, Moses would have worded the story as such to include what satan was doing. However, according to
scripture. Moses, author of Genesis tells us that the "serpent"
was the most cunning "BEAST OF THE FIELD", that god created Gen 3:1, Keep in mind that Moses is just retelling the tale of creation.
Did Moses forget he Satan was there at the time of creation? No, of
course not. If he was in the garden at this point in the story, then Moses would have written as such. Very similar to the book of Job,
when Satan WAS there. It was not told as if some mystery man came. It
was specifically written that Satan was there interfering with Job's
life. Satan was not part of this story, and was not written as such.
The "serpent" was one of the field, or possibly disguised as something similar. Even today, millions of people firmly agree there are reptilian humanoids living among us.
Although they don’t actually change their form themselves – their human form is the result of vibrations that change the human mind. So you might think you see a human being, but in actual fact the human being is a reptilian. It’s just your mind playing tricks on you.If that is hard to believe, then so should the book of Genesis. Not only is this some humanoid type creature, as it DID NOT CRAWL Gen 3:14, thus the manner of punishment. It even spoke in a language that eve could understand. So to make the point stick about the tree - God tells Adam, he will die if he eats from it Gen 2:17. And yet again, we see another flaw in the flow of the story. What is death to Adam? He was created, and therefore death means nothing, as he does not know what death is - a comical reference to make it clear is an old classic movie SHORT CIRCUIT, where #5 does not know what dead means. He too was created and does not know anything, a lightning bolt zapped his computer memory so even the most basic understanding of life is foreign to it. And like #5, Adam is at a point of his life where, he too, would not understand what death is, and therefore it is a moot threat/lie from God.
The First Sin
Did Adam and Eve commit a sin? No. This "God" threatened Adam that if he ate from the tree, he would die (God lies twice!). After God created Adam Gen 2:7, he created the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge Gen 2:9. God shows Adam that Tree of Knowledge and instructs him NOT to eat of it for he will surely die Gen 2:17. Now we see more of a "human" trait in God that a superior one.
Yet more problems come of this scripture. At this point, Adam is not more than a dumb animal. Incapable of understanding anything. Disobedience is a "learned" trait. But Adam, having not eaten from the Tree, or taught by God, does not know that "disobeying" is a sin. More trickery by God?
So, here we have two issues. The first being that God does not want Adam to gain any knowledge about anything from good and evil to just basic responsibilities and life itself. While this document does not go into detail about the basic definition of “knowledge”, safe to say that at this point in the story, Adam is nothing short of an automaton. An empty vessel possessing a human(?) form. It (Adam) is like a newborn but in adult form. Nowhere does it state that Adam was born as a child. But was created as a man. Ignorant and dumb, however, have an understanding of communication - so apparently God can give Adam simple instructions. This is a small contradiction as “understanding” requires knowledge - and therefore, a lot is missing from this story on the state of Adam's thinking potential.
In short, God wants a slave. Nothing more. A product to do his bidding without question. Once people know, then the question, and when they question, that is where issues arise. We can see this throughout history. A simple reference is hundreds of years ago when it was a crime to even read the bible, let alone have one in your possession. The church did not want you t read it, because then people would question it.
So the stage is set. Adam created, and a "Tree" that give you quality of life and understanding, and he is not supposed to benefit from it. What would you do with such a human? Can't tell right from wrong, who is good and who is bad, and much more. Adam would be no better off that cattle in the field.
The second issue and probably a larger one, God is lying to Adam and saying he will die if he eats from the tree. Does this mean that God is a deceitful god? Of course he is. With Abraham we see god "testing" Abraham to sacrifice his son Gen 22:2, and even on the walk, does Abraham lie to his child as well when asked where is the sheep Gen 22:7, stating that God will provide one, which is a second lie.
So far just in a few lines of scripture, just lies and deceit and all from God.
While I will not cover all the “theories” of why god keeps Adam from the tree, the story states that is what happened. Take something closer to home: What good is your child if s/he does not know right from wrong, good from bad, or even that it is not safe to talk to strangers. These require knowledge, a basic understanding of life - what would that child be good for? No education? Correct - a slave. Slaves just need to function. That is it. No questions to determine if what they are told to do is right or wrong.
One note to make here is at this time in the story, Eve has not been created yet GEN 2:23. Once he has both his servants made Adam & Eve, they were naked and were NOT ashamed GEN 2:25, and why would they - they didn’t know better. How many of you seen a child running around the house naked? They don’t care, they are free and having fun running around. Shame is taught.
The issue here is can Eve speak to animals? Was she created slightly differently? So in Gen 3:1, she seemed to understand perfectly what this “serpent” said to her. We know from God's punishment of the serpent Gen 3:14, that most likely the serpent was another “humanoid” denizen of Eden[1]. A serpent already slithers and crawls on its belly, so, therefore, why make that a punishment? So it has been assumed that the “serpent” is a derogatory term used by the author to describe this person as very bad since he is coercing Eve into eating from the tree. Something God does not want to happen.So now Eve and the Serpents conversation continues, Gen 3:3 Eve explains to the serpent that they can’t eat from the tree. How did she know this? She was not around when the instructions were given to Adam, and why would Adam have told her. We would have to assume that at one point in their adventures in Eden, that Eve attempted to eat from the tree and Adam corrected her. So already Eve was up to mischief. (women LOL). But can definitely assume the warning was in passing, a mere "mental note" if you will.
Gen 3:4 We see that the serpent knew this to be a lie. He also knew what the tree does . The serpent knew that God wanted Adam and Eve ignorant slaves to serve him without question and not free, The serpent, simply explained to Eve, that this was NOT true, you will NOT die! Gen 3:4 (and he was correct)and continued on that they will be as knowledgeable as God, to know right from wrong, good from evil Gen 3:5 (right again! weird that God lied, and the Serpent told the truth),
Now they knew they were naked. This could be read as figuratively as in naked knowledge and naked physically. When your fun-loving child running around the house naked get smart, they learn shame and put clothes on. But why? Because we adults are wearing clothes. From a psychology standpoint, this is very interesting. Because it reveals that everyone around Adam and Eve is dressed in some type of clothing, except Adam and Eve. Now they understand and therefore are humiliated and hid.
So furious was the god that his slaves have escaped (figuratively) that he punished Adam Gen 3:17, and Eve Gen 3:16. WHY? Lacking knowledge, they did not know right from wrong, they did not know good from evil. Everything they did was innocent. But the real reason is that god lost his blind followers to knowledge.
In short, it is the Serpent that saved humankind from ignorance. If he had never come along, would mankind be the way it is today? A resounding no. The serpent knew it was wrong for God to keep mankind in blind ignorance. It can be assumed that there was another civilization that god created, but was not covered - note that when Cain killed able Gen 4:8, God puts a mark on him (Cain) Gen 4:15 so he would be recognized by others? What others? At the time of this tale, there was only Cain, Able, Adam, and Eve (possibly a daughter). However, we see that Cain took a wife Gen 4:16 and built a city. So many, many others were there.
So you can see it is easy to see that someone from this earlier civilization came to keep Adam and Eve(Mankind) from being controlled into ignorance. If you believe it was a sin to become independent, knowing good and evil, right from wrong - and above all FREE WILL (which will come later - spoiler: We do NOT have free will), Then the serpent can be seen as evil. But for the rest of us - it was the Serpent that set us free from Gods tyranny.
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