A visit from God or Can God be Seen?

  Short answer - YES. Not as Jesus, but as God the almighty.  To start, without listing all the scriptures that say God can be seen, instead I will explain why this is important and what they teach is off by a mile. Also to avoid the pronoun retards, I'll be using the pronoun "HE" Some of the most pronounced scriptures that leave no doubt that someone saw God can be found in the book of Exodus, example Exodus 33:20. Note here that God says the word "face". No where in scripture that it states that God is "invisible" or he is here in some resonance mystical voice (I'll get the burning bush later. Hint: there is a burning bush in time) , at least not unless they are speaking of an angel - which is another topic. Exodus 33:23 states that he will turn around and then he can be seen. Break this down, and you have some type of humanoid - I say this because the viewer is actually witnessing "someone" turning their back to them. So what is going ...

I/Emmanuel & Jesus - Two different People

Isaiah 7:14 has been the most talked about scripture in the whole Holy bible. People have been "taught" not that this is the coming of Christ. The keyword "taught". Taught implies word of mouth when it comes to scripture being passed on.It is especially dangerous in this time of technology, facebook, twitter and other tech giants that make it easy to just pass mass around. People in churches rely on clergy (this term being used to cover the pope down to your local minister/pastor and everyone in between), to convey the teaching of the bible accurately. However, what's really ends up happening is that the churches have a more sinister itinerary and change The narrative of the teachings of the bible.

So first let's start with Isaiah, the beginning of it all in chapter 7.

But even before we start there we have to clear the table about the word virgin that is so perversely incorrectly and over used.

There are two words in the Bible that clarify which one is a virgin, and which one is a young girl or woman as the case may be. 

Almah(f) / Alem(m). This is the feminine and masculine name for young girl. The Hebrew text for a young woman/girl is הָעַלְמָה

Betulah - Which is the word for VIRGIN. The Hebrew text for a virgin is בְּתּוּלָה

Examples of the word virgin used through out the bible

  • “I took the woman, but when I came near her, I did not find her a virgin (בְּתּוּלָה)”     Deut 22:14
  • “And they found among the inhabitants of Jabesh 400 young virgins that had known no man.”  Judges 21:12

So what is happening? To find out, you first need to understand what is happening at the time of the story of Isaiah. Then you will understand, according to scripture, why Emmanuel is NOT the prophet of the new testemant.

 Let's start with the chapter 7 of Isaiah. At chapter 7 there is a threat of war.  The southern Kingdom of Judea had its capital in Jerusalem and is ruled by King Ahaz(son of Jotham),. The Northern Kingdom of Israel had its capital in Samaria and when it was ruled by King pekka and to the north of these kingdoms was a third non-jewish ruler, King resin of arum which is known as Syria whose capital is Damascus.

While King Jotham 2 Kings 16:1 did a pretty good job of keeping things quiet,  he later died 2 Chronicles 27:9,  leaving his son King Ahaz to handle things. Once he took over, things got a little ugly!

So God sent his prophet Isaiah and one of his sons, Shearjashub, to warn King Ahaz that the northern kingdom (Pekah) had buddied up with King Resin from the sounth, and they had joined forces to wage war against Jerusalem Is 7:3. Isaiah tells him that he should not be afraid because God will be with him and The invasion will fail. He tells Ahaz to ask God for help, but he does not, frustrated, Isaiah tells him, God will give him a sign regardless Is 7:10-14. The reference here is "a young girl" NOT a virgin.

The most important part of this story is the time frame that was presenting. The birth of emmanual was not 750 years in the future, but at this point in the story Is 7:15-16. In short, Jerusalem will still be standing when Emmanuel reaches maturity.

The story tells of the aging Emmanuel and that by age 60 to 65 years old it will prove to King Ahaz that his City not only is still standing but that God kept his word. The most important thing to gain from this story is why  Isaiah and God give King Oz a sign 750 years plus into the future about a messiah, that would have no effect on the current waging war.?

Even if you take out the virgin/young girl (christian) confusion, the bottom line, is that Emmanuel's (one of 3 sons born to Isaiah) birth is a sign FOR Ahaz's only, to prove his kingdom (Jerusalem) will be protected. It has NOTHING to do with Jesus, who was NEVER called Emmanuel in the new testement.


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